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Informational Webinar: Empowering Local Communities to End the Tobacco Epidemic

An exciting time in commercial tobacco control. Rewatch our informational webinar as we pull the wagon forward toward our goal of a healthy, thriving, and joyful Black community. The purpose of this funding opportunity is to fund up to 25 local projects for a period of 26 months to build momentum toward ending California’s tobacco epidemic through policy, systems, and environmental change strategies and increasing community engagement in these initiatives within populations that have been disproportionately targeted by the tobacco industry, including the following population groups: African American/Black; Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI); Latino; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ+). This RFA requires awardees to work on local policy objectives that would make the greatest impact on the population’s health and the environment and to engage priority population groups in these efforts. Awardees will implement a prescribed Scope of Work (SOW), which includes community education, capacity building, community organizing, and coordination and collaboration activities. Experience in tobacco control is not required. Please join us to find out more. The timeline is tight, so please take the time to review all of the materials. WE DO NOT REPRESENT THE CTCP PROGRAM. Their written materials are the"only and final" say on this process. We are community servants, holding up the light.

Link to CTCP Webinar -

Link to CTCP Funding Opportunity -


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