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Carol McGruder

Carol McGruder is experienced in the fields of tobacco control, transnational tobacco issues, public policy, social marketing, media advocacy, parent training, health education and community capacity building. She is a highly-respected trainer, presenter, community advocate and program designer with strong interpersonal skills. Ms. McGruder is a seasoned veteran of California’s tobacco control experience and over the years has served in many capacities, most recently as a founding member and co-chair of the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council (AATCLC).


 In 2017 Ms. McGruder was honored for her community activism by the San Francisco National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.  In 2010, Ms. McGruder received the Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Engagement Award for her tobacco control work in San Francisco. She is also a recipient of the prestigious Jefferson Award for community activism in tobacco control, and in 2007 she was the American Legacy Foundation national honoree for “Community Activist of the Year.” She has been recognized by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Berkeley City Council, and American Lung Association for her leadership in tobacco control and community activism.

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Y'Lonn Burris

Y’Lonn Burris brings drive and energy to her position as Program Manager for The African American Statewide Coordinating Center. She possesses a broad range of effective professional skills which include project management, public relations, communications, public policy, fundraising, capacity building and marketing experience. Her passion regarding cultural competence and understanding particularly as it pertains to tobacco cessation in priority populations has led to contributions to the Tobacco Education Materials Advisory Team, TFC Media Subcommittee and The American Heart Associations Information and Education Day Subcommittee 2021. As a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist, she prides herself on helping people of color live a life free from tobacco addiction.


She is a staunch advocate for Dementia/Alzheimer’s prevention as well as affordable residential and facilitated Alzheimer’s care within the African American community.  Y’Lonn is a Southern California native, she studied Communications from California State Fullerton and holds a Master’s in Public Health from Azusa Pacific University. She resides in the East Bay.

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Ernesta Wright

Ernesta Wright is the Community Engagement Coordinator for AMPLIFY! She has established a track record as an effective collaborator for outreach and programming with large organizations, including completed projects with American Cancer Society, Covered California, Blue Shield of California, Susan G. Komen Orange County Affiliate, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Vines Medical Society, with five universities; National University, Cal State Dominguez Hills, Cal State Fullerton, Loyola Marymount, San Marcos University and other community/grassroots organizations, to facilitate a greater impact among African American constituents throughout the state of California. She has also positioned this grassroots regency as a leader in the fight against cancers.


The G.R.E.E.N. Foundation has a reach and positive impact in the fight against cancers that spans from its Orange County base of operations in Southern California, to the Bay Area in Northern California. Ms. Wright constructed statewide (Los Angeles, Orange, Sacramento and Alameda) collaboration between certified educators and enrollment counselors to provide expansive outreach in African American communities.


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Dr. Karen J. Beard

Dr. Karen J Beard is the national spokesperson for the Amplify African American Statewide Coordinating Center.

A Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist trained at Florida State University, Dr. Beard manages the Breaking Free from Nicotine cessation capacity building learning collaborative and founded the Free and Proud Tobacco Liberation Method™.


Since beginning a career in tobacco cessation work in 2014, Dr. Beard has focused on culturally relevant interventions and advocating for reimbursement and pay equity for tobacco cessation specialists. Dr. Beard holds an EdD in Counseling Psychology from Argosy University, an MA in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of South Florida, and a BS in Mental Health Counseling from Gannon University.  Her community based research projects include listening circle sessions with African Americans who smoke and African Americans who smoke attitudes toward flavor bans.

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