We're honoring community, wellness and health this Black History Month and beyond!
Here's a list of community events that are occurring throughout the month.
Join the GREEN Foundation's Social Justice & Advocacy Cohort

Join the Edutainment and Interactive Event

Join the GREEN Foundation's
Year of Action Act Now Event!

2023 Annual African
Cultural & Community Well-Being Summit


The Same Game Different Smokers exhibition takes a look at the Tobacco Industry's Footprint on Black Lives and Black Lungs.
The exhibition is free and open to the public from February 24 - 26 at the annual Black Expo in Sacramento.
🗣 ATTENTION ALL ARTISTS! California Health Collaborative's LEAD Project is hosting an art contest. This years theme is “Black Health and Wellness”. The deadline to submit original work 3/31. Participants must be in either middle school, high school, or college. All participants will have the chance to win raffle items, and winners will work with LEAD to create a media campaign and receive a $200 stipend. More information and the artwork release form can be found below.

Community Conversations:
The Meaning of Black History Month
Listen to FulStop's (The Nile Sisters) conversation with Mr. Melvin Tate of La Mesa, California on the meaning of Black History Month.
AMPLIFY'S Black History Month Toolkit

Download AMPLIFY's Black History Month '23 social media assets here.